In searching around for a homesteading planner to use for the growing season ahead, I was finding that nothing I saw really suited the southern hemisphere year that well. Having a background in graphic design and a fair bit of knowledge on small-scale homesteading, I figured I could create my own that would also be of benefit to other fellow southern friends. What I’ve created is a pretty basic planner, but I think it has a good foundation of pages to get started with and I am open to suggestions of additional pages you would find useful and edits to existing pages that would make them work better for journaling throughout the season. As I update the contents, I will replace the main file/s here and note changes in an edits log at the bottom of the post, so please check back regularly or request to follow me on Instagram where I will notify of changes and updates.
I am sharing this planner in the hopes that it will make all our lives a little easier during the busyness of the growing season. We all set out with the best intentions at the beginning of the year – planning to keep detailed notes of our plantings, harvests, successes and hopefully not too many, failures. If you’re anything like me, you start out strong through late winter and spring, but then everything is coming at you from every angle by the time mid summer arrives and all those good intentions have long since fallen away. Having a place where we can easily jot down a few scribbles as we pass by our desk with grubby fingers and arm loads of produce, will hopefully have us all keeping more thorough notes that assist so greatly in those important winter planning months.
Below you will find links to download the main foundation pages as well as individual files for June, July and August. The planner is undated so even though June and half of July have now passed this year, you can save them to use next year. I am still working on the remaining months in the year, but will aim to have the spring pages done early in August and then work on summer and autumn after that. When new monthly pages are ready, I will update this blog post and the files will be available below.
I hope your growing season ahead is filled with beauty and abundance to provide for yourself and your family as well as surrounding friends and community.
:: Click image above to download the foundation pages of Homesteading Planner for southern hemisphere growing season ::
:: Click image above to download the June monthly pages ::
:: Click image above to download the July monthly pages ::
:: Click image above to download the August monthly pages ::